Committed Community

Our multi-layered safety approach, Committed Community, applies the latest technology and scientific advice to create an environment that addresses the risks associated with Covid-19.

No matter how you travel – with our trusted partnerships, we provide layers of precautionary procedures, at every step of your journey, including and not limited to required frequent testing and monitoring.

Our multi-layered safety approach includes prevention, protection, mitigation, monitoring and maintaining safety. Layers include frequent testing, contact tracing, touchless environments, re-vamped catering, occupancy monitoring, upgrades to facility infrastructure, increased medical staff – and personal commitments like adhering to social distancing.

The plan was developed in coordination with and approved by the Catalan health authorities, responsible for the regulations governing MWC21, including the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Technical Committee of the PROCICAT. According to the Sectorial Plan of Fairs and Congresses, the plan satisfies the directives and recommendations for event organisers.

Find more information on Event Entry, Testing, Social Distancing and Occupancy Monitoring, Hygiene and Ventilation, Other Personal Safety Measures and Returning Home on the MWC Barcelona website.